Friday, March 9, 2018

Compass Water Releases New Minimax M2 Water Softener

The Minimax M2 Water Softener is designed to solve all hard water problems, and no other company knows it better than Compass Water Softeners, which hails out of Reading, Berkshire, England, and who has recently launched the new Minimax M2.
“The new Minimax was created with the sole intention of make hard water softer,” said a Compass Water Softeners spokesperson, who made the announcement. “In short, the water softener strips out all the bad, leaving you with the good.”
Water softeners are generally used to remove minerals in hard water that cause limescale and lead. They are also known to effectively address a variety of problems to include dry skin and hair.
As the latest development in water softening technology, the new Minimax M2 was engineered in the UK by Harvey Water Softeners. It was also designed to work with all British plumbing systems and can handle the requirements of all family size.
The Minimax M2 Harvey softeners come with a 10-year guarantee on parts, and would redound to the benefit of for person living in hard water areas.
“For those who generally don’t realise just how much the effects of hard water have on their lives, from increased time spent cleaning, to rougher and less lustrous skin and hair, not to mention higher bills, people using water softener technology often see the immediate benefits,” said the spokesperson, who often had to explain the difference between hard and soft water.
In the UK, both hard water and soft water can be found everywhere. In its natural form, explains the spokesperson, rainwater is completely soft, but when it hits the ground it absorbs the minerals, which turns it into hard water.
“In hard water areas the ground is typically a composition of chalk and magnesium, which is very easily absorbed. By contrast, in soft water areas the earth is typically hard stone, such as granite. Find out more about the different hard and soft areas of the UK,” explained the spokesperson.
With the introduction of water softening technology, the problem can now be easily resolved by returning hard water back into its original softer form. And while there are many water softening products are on the market, the new Minimax M2 water softeners in Reading from Compass Water Softeners is the latest development in this technology.
Compass Water Softeners, was established some 20 years ago by husband and wife owners, Martin and Lisa Perrin. Professionally qualified as a plumber, Martin specialises in water softeners and has 20 years’ experience. So far, he has installed more than 3000 water softeners in Reading and beyond, both domestic and commercial, as well as, servicing and upgrading existing machines. In addition, Compass Water Softeners also has the capacity to provide customers with all their salt requirements. The company is in Reading, which is central to the Thames Valley, and serves the Berkshire and all surrounding counties.

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